WP1. Social responsibility: Ethical, legal, social, data protection and privacy issues

Each individual has their own personal perception and appreciation about what data is private and under which conditions private information may be made available to others and to whom. This perception may differ according to gender, age, social and cultural background, health status, personality factors, or other personal circumstances. visuAAL will examine the data protection obligations of video-based technologies developed to enhance the quality of life of older citizens. It is clear that such systems will collect a large amount of personal data of those individuals seeking to benefit from them. These data include everything from general personal details such as names and addresses to information about the individual’s daily movements. Other more sensitive personal data may also be collected concerning the medical history, ethnic origins, or sexual orientation. The storage, use and transfer of these data must comply with rigorous data protection laws and, in particular, the forthcoming GDPR. Therefore, a comprehensive analysis of these issues linked to video-based services for older adults will be performed, involving researchers and users from several countries in order to get pertinent input on these topics from across Europe.

Research projects

Research Project 1 - Perceptions of personal privacy in health monitoring technologies (in different users)

Research Project 2 - (Dis)Trust in medical technologies and medical support considering (severe) health decisions

Research Project 3 - Acceptance of artificial intelligence in health-related contexts

Research Project 4 - Video-based AAL technologies and colliding legal frameworks

Research Project 5 - Video-based AAL technologies and balancing of interests

Research Project 6 - “Digital twins” as a way to help ensure legal compliance of video-based AAL technologies

Research Project 15 - Perceptions of personal safety and privacy in frail elderly, disabled people and their caregivers in the context of video-based lifelogging technologies