ESR7 - Mohamed Osman

ESR photo
Mohamed Osman
Research project
"Use of camera systems to support home based multiple chronic disease (multimorbidity) self-management"
About the project

Self-management is a critical component of chronic disease management and can include activities, such undertaking daily care activities, managing medication, and proactively linking in with one’s care network (informal carers, formal carers and healthcare professionals). The rise of digital health technologies (mobile applications/phones, sensor-based devices, cameras) to assist health and well-being management of chronic diseases offers potential support for people to better manage their diseases in collaboration with their care network. Camera systems (both home-based and wearable) may be used to provide rich contextual data and insight into everyday activities to better understand the complexity of multiple disease (multimorbidity) management. This information can then be a) used to better guide self-management activities and b) shared with an individual’s care network to help develop truly collaborative goal-based interventions to support self-management. Use of cameras to better understand and augment self-management by people with multimorbidity has yet to be fully explored. This PhD will aim to understand and define the use of camera-based technologies for older adults living at home with multiple chronic health conditions (e.g. multimorbidity). Particular emphasis will be placed on understanding the factors that impact the relationship between individuals with multimorbidity and their care network.

Start date: August 2021

End date: October 2023

Progress of the project

ESR7’s project has carried out a scoping review about the state-of-the-art of the used camera systems to support the self-management activities at home among the people with multiple chronic conditions. This scoping review has highlighted insightful information about the different used camera systems which varied between telemedicine platforms with an implemented camera (RGB sensors), robots (including service and social robots with embedded RGB sensors) and wearable cameras which capture a first-person view. The scoping review also reported the different aspect of the self-management activities that the camera systems helped to support; the reported challenges of these camera systems from the users’ perspective and the different multimorbidity patterns among the participants. Moreover, ESR7 has collaborated with ESR8 in developing a scoping review about the application of the behavioural change theory to the design, development, and implementation of camera systems to support the multiple chronic conditions self-management at home. 

About the ESR

Mohamed has received his master's degree of Public Health from The University of Gothenburg, Sweden in 2019. His MSc thesis at the Centre for Ageing and Health (AgeCap) investigated the role of demographic and socioeconomic status in changing the sedentary behaviour (Physical Activity levels) among the older adults using the mHealth as a data collection method. His bachelor’s degree of Physical Therapy has been completed from Cairo University, Egypt in 2011. He is expert in designing individually tailored self-management medical rehabilitation programs for multiple chronic diseases management (mainly Neurologic and Musculoskeletal disorders) at different healthcare settings to enhance the active and assisted living (AAL). He is a Swedish Institute scholar.

Contact information

Mohamed Osman

Trinity Centre for Practice & Healthcare Innovation (TCPHI)

 School of Nursing and Midwifery
Trinity College Dublin

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