ESR15 - Tamara Mujirishvili

ESR photo
Tamara Mujirishvili
Research project
"Perceptions of personal safety and privacy in frail elderly, disabled people and their caregivers in the context of video-based lifelogging technologies"
About the project

The aim of this project is to analyse the acceptance of AAL (lifelogging) technologies, essentially the monitoring with video cameras located in public and private spaces, by their potential users. Including as a potential user, both the frail elderly patients and people with disabilities and with needs of aid, and their caregivers, formal or informal. Different types of cameras, locations, and type of information will be considered as well as benefits (for example, medical safety) and related barriers (for example, the threat to their privacy).

Start date: March 2021

Expected end date: March 2024

Progress of the project

This research project started by carrying out a scoping review on the Acceptance and privacy perceptions toward Video-based Active and Assisted Living technologies in collaboration with ESR1. The article has already been submitted to a Journal - Age and Ageing and is under revision. ESR15 also published a conference paper in collaboration with ESR12. This was followed by designing a qualitative data collection plan together to carry out focus groups and interviews with the potential users of AAL technologies (older adults, their formal and informal caregivers, facility managers, case managers). Two rounds of qualitative data collection have already been executed, and it is still a work in progress. Next step is to try out the prototype technology in the facilities of AIAS Bologna, and carry-on qualitative data collection as well as quantitative questionnaire on user experience of the proposed systems. 
ESR 15 has also been teaching three course modules about the research methodology at her host institution, University of Alicante.

Apart from this, ESR15 is actively collaborating with GoodBrother COST Action, which is a Network on Privacy-Aware Audio- and Video-Based Applications for Active and Assisted Living. She participated in online and on-site workshops, seminars, and meetings, resulting in an upcoming policy paper and another project where they are developing a scale to measure AAL literacy. At the moment they are on the stage of literature review and the design of the data collection for scale development.

Scientific publications

“I Don’t Want to Become a Number’’: Examining Different Stakeholder Perspectives on a Video-Based Monitoring System for Senior Care with Inherent Privacy Protection (by Design)

Tamara Mujirishvili, Anton Fedosov, Kooshan Hashemifard, Pau Climent-Pérez, Francisco Florez-Revuelta

In Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, article 774, pp. 1-19, Association for Computing Machinery, 2024

What Is Privacy? Perceptions of Older Adults in the South of Spain About the Concept of Privacy and in Terms of Video-Based AAL Technologies

Tamara Mujirishvili, Miguel Richart-Martínez, Julio Cabrero-García, Francisco Flórez-Revuelta

In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health ICT4AWE - Volume 1, 59-64, Prague, Czech Republic, 2023

About the ESR

Tamar received her Master's Degree in Neuroscience from the University of Bordeaux in 2020. She executed her master thesis research at the University of Cambridge investigating how prior expectations influence perception. She obtained her BA Degree in Psychology from Tbilisi State University in 2015. She has spent the 2013-2014 academic year at the University of Groningen (The Netherlands) as an exchange student at the faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences, specializing in Psychology.

Contact information

Tamara Mujirishvili

University of Alicante
Department of Nursing

Ctra. San Vicente del Raspeig, S/N
03690 San Vicente del Raspeig, Spain

Email address: